Monday, 14 February 2011

30 Days of Gaming - Day Nine

So there's this thing going around on facebook at the moment, where you post a picture a day that fits within a specific theme. I've chosen, for my first 30 Days, to go with Gaming.

Day Nine - Saddest scene

This one was quite hard for me. I mean, I really had to think long and hard about this one.

Very few games have really tugged at my emotions, and I can honestly only think of one game that has really made me feel sad (though there is one other that came close).

So, here's my choice:

Yup, it's Ico again.

So, I don't really need to go into the storyline again. Instead, I'm giving you the ending video. If you have yet to play or complete this game, then do not watch this video.

I cannot stress this enough.

Needless to say, this ending is the saddest scene I have ever witnessed in videogaming.

Honourable Mentions

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the ending. Again, spoilers...but I found it to be quite sad.

This is from Killzone 2. It's less sad than epic, but it was a bit emotional. I never really liked the first game, but the storyline of the second was pretty damned good.

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