Sunday, 6 February 2011

30 Days of Gaming

So there's this thing going around on facebook at the moment, where you post a picture a day that fits within a specific theme. I've chosen, so my first 30 Days, to go with Gaming.

Day One - Your First Videogame

This one is a bit of a guess for me. I have fleeting memories of playing various un-named games at a very early age, on both the Commodore 64 and the ZX-Spectrum.

I had the added help of having a mother that was capable of programming games for me to play, so this meant I got to lay my hands on games that were only available through buying specific magazines.

But the one that sticks in my memory, that stands out as my first memorable gaming experience, is this:

The Hobbit text adventure was great, though it is very clearly a dated game, I mean just look at it:

I'm not one to focus on graphics, don't get me wrong, but this is very clearly an old game.

Released in 1982, it mostly follows what happens in the book...but given that it is a "choose your own adventure" style game, it can verge off of the beaten path.

I'm pretty sure that this is the game that got me so obsessed with Point & Click Adventures like Broken Sword, Monkey Island, etc.

That was my first game, and a bit of a hint at future titles that may appear over the next 30 Days. What about you guys? What was your first game?

1 comment:

  1. We never had a computer until after I was introduced to the NES. My first game was probably Mario Bros., or Mario Bros. 3. My first RPG was Crystalis, and then Final Fantasy.

    At one point we had an old IBM that ran DOS; played some text adventure games on it, but don't know what they were called. Learned how to program and started making my own too, lol. I must've been like 9?
