Day Ten - Best 'Gameplay'
Until very recently, the word 'gameplay' didn't appear in the dictionary, and even now the definition can be rather vague. says:
the plot of a computer or video game or the way that it is played
I disagree with the first part...storyline has nothing to do with gameplay, but the second part? I'd say it's mostly right, but is open to a vast number of interpretations.
For instance, it could mean the type of controller you use to play the game, the rules that are expected in how to play the game, the actual controls within the game, etc.
For this blog, and I assume the entire '30 Days' process wherever you may find it, I gather that it means "the videogame that has the best controls."
So, after that little thought, the game I have chosen is:
Heavy Rain, by the creators of Fahrenheit, is a Playstation 3 exclusive that plays more like an interactive movie than the average videogame.
Does this mean it is bad?
A lot of critique surrounding the game focuses on how it is less like what most people consider to be a videogame, and more like a movie. But this is not new, is it?
Think of a Point & Click adventure, or a game like Capcom's Ace Attorney, and you'll soon realise that Heavy Rain is nothing more than a modern Adventure game.
Now why did I choose this game over any others?
Simply put, the use of the Playstation 3's Six-Axis controller is quite unique, along with the general layout for the standard controls you use throughout. Character control is no longer through the D-Pad or the Analogue sticks, but through the triggers.
You move forwards with the triggers, and the analogue stick controls the direction that your characters head is turned. Turn the head to face left, and slowly the character will head left, etc.
Fight sequences, puzzle sequences, chase sequences; all of them have their own unique way of being played or solved, and each time it just feels intuitive and all-round just makes sense.
What about you guys, could you pick better?
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